Genshin Impact Albedo

Albedo Talents
Favonius Bladework - Weiss - Normal Attack
Normal Attack
Performs up to 5 rapid strikes.
Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash 2 rapid sword strikes.
Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Solar Isotoma - Elemental Skill
Albedo creates a Solar Isotoma using alchemy, which deals AoE Geo DMG on appearance.
Solar Isotoma
has the following properties:
·When opponents within the Solar Isotoma field take DMG, the Solar Isotoma will generate Transient Blossoms which deal AoE Geo DMG. DMG dealt scales off Albedo's DEF.
·Transient Blossoms can only be generated once every 2s.
·When a character is located at the locus of the Solar Isotoma, the Solar Isotoma will accumulate Geo power to form a crystallized platform that lifts the character up to a certain height. Only one crystallized platform can exist at a time.
·Solar Isotoma is considered a Geo construct. Only one Solar Isotoma created by Albedo himself can exist at a time.
Hold to designate the location of the skill.
This Geo bloom has an unusual property mirrored in the aim of alchemy. To rise from the earth, soar into the sky, and become the sun.
Tectonic Tide - Elemental Burst
Under Albedo's command, Geo crystals surge and burst forth, dealing AoE Geo DMG in front of him.
If a Solar Isotoma created by Albedo himself is on the field, 7 Fatal Blossoms will be generated in the Solar Isotoma field, bursting violently into bloom and dealing AoE Geo DMG.
Tectonic Tide DMG and Fatal Blossom DMG will not generate Transient Blossoms.
Under the Kreideprinz's command, the tectonic tide of creation seethes into life.
Albedo Passives
Calcite Might - Ascension 1
Transient Blossoms generated by Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma deal 25% more DMG to opponents whose HP is below 50%.
Homuncular Nature - Ascension 4
Using Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide increases the Elemental Mastery of nearby party members by 125 for 10s.
Flash of Genius - Passive
When Albedo crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, he has a 10% chance to receive double the product.
Albedo Constellations
Flower of Eden - Constellation 1
Transient Blossoms generated by Albedo's Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma regenerate 1.2 Energy for Albedo.
Opening of Phanerozoic - Constellation 2
Transient Blossoms generated by Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma grant Albedo Fatal Reckoning for 30s:
·Unleashing Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide consumes all stacks of Fatal Reckoning. Each stack of Fatal Reckoning consumed increases the DMG dealt by Fatal Blossoms and Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide's burst DMG by 30% of Albedo's DEF.
·This effect stacks up to 4 times.
Grace of Helios - Constellation 3
Increases the Level of Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Descent of Divinity - Constellation 4
Active party members within the Solar Isotoma field have their Plunging Attack DMG increased by 30%.
Tide of Hadean - Constellation 5
Increases the Level of Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Dust of Purification - Constellation 6
Active party members within the Solar Isotoma field who are protected by a shield created by Crystallize have their DMG increased by 17%.