Genshin Impact Sucrose

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Sucrose icon
Harmless Sweetie
Knights of Favonius

Sucrose Talents

Normal Attack


1-Hit DMG:
2-Hit DMG:
3-Hit DMG:
4-Hit DMG:
Charged Attack DMG:
Charged Attack Stamina Cost: 50
Plunge DMG:
Low/High Plunge DMG: /

Wind Spirit Creation - Normal Attack

Normal Attack
Performs up to 4 attacks using Wind Spirits, dealing Anemo DMG.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina and deals AoE Anemo DMG after a short casting time.

Plunging Attack
Calling upon the power of her Wind Spirits, Sucrose plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Anemo DMG upon impact with the ground.

Elemental Skill


Skill DMG:
CD: 15s

Astable Anemohypostasis Creation - 6308 - Elemental Skill

Creates a small Wind Spirit that pulls opponents and objects towards its location, launches opponents within its AoE, and deals Anemo DMG.

This is a little embarrassing, but though the elemental lifeforms birthed through this procedure dissipate very rapidly, they are incredibly useful when adventuring. Even failed experiments can have practical applications.

Elemental Burst


Additional Elemental DMG:
Duration: 6s
CD: 20s
Energy Cost: 80

Forbidden Creation - Isomer 75 / Type II - Elemental Burst

Sucrose hurls an unstable concoction that creates a Large Wind Spirit.
While it persists, the Large Wind Spirit will continuously pull in surrounding opponents and objects, launch nearby opponents, and deal Anemo DMG.

Elemental Absorption
If the Wind Spirit comes into contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro energy, it will deal additional elemental DMG of that type.
Elemental Absorption may only occur once per use.

Sucrose used to give names to her volatile Anemo Hypostases, but their line of heirs quickly grew to surpass Baron Bunny the 893rd.

Sucrose Passives

Ascension 1

Catalyst Conversion - Ascension 1

When Sucrose triggers a Swirl reaction, all characters in the party with the matching element (excluding Sucrose) have their Elemental Mastery increased by 50 for 8s.

Ascension 4

Mollis Favonius - Ascension 4

When Astable Anemohypostasis Creation - 6308 or Forbidden Creation - Isomer 75 / Type II hits an opponent, increases all party members' (excluding Sucrose) Elemental Mastery by an amount equal to 20% of Sucrose's Elemental Mastery for 8s.


Astable Invention - Passive

When Sucrose crafts Character and Weapon Enhancement Materials, she has a 10% chance to obtain double the product.

Sucrose Constellations

Constellation 1

Clustered Vacuum Field - Constellation 1

Astable Anemohypostasis Creation - 6308 gains 1 additional charge.

Constellation 2

Unbound Form - Constellation 2

The duration of Forbidden Creation - Isomer 75 / Type II is increased by 2s.

Constellation 3

Flawless Alchemistress - Constellation 3

Increases the Level of Astable Anemohypostasis Creation - 6308 by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Constellation 4

Alchemania - Constellation 4

Sucrose will reduce the CD of Astable Anemohypostasis Creation - 6308 by 1-7s for every 7 Normal or Charged Attack hits she scores against opponents.
One hit may be counted every 0.1s.

Constellation 5

Standard Flask - Constellation 5

Increases the Level of Forbidden Creation - Isomer 75 / Type II by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Constellation 6

Chaotic Entropy - Constellation 6

If Forbidden Creation - Isomer 75 / Type II triggers an Elemental Absorption, all party members gain a 20% Elemental DMG Bonus for the corresponding absorbed element during its duration.

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